Map Statistics
5 Countries, 57 States 2018 Areas, 13593 Routes

Monthly Statistics
11,7,10,9,17,19,11,0,5,15,16,8,4 -100%
649 BadBolts
18,8,14,11,37,28,18,0,9,19,21,13,9 -44%
1872 Bolt Reports
0,1,1,1,4,7,3,0,0,2,4,0,7 100%
13593 Routes
0,3,2,2,3,2,3,0,1,1,7,1,2 +20%
372 Developers

Fixed Bolt Reports

of all Bolt Reports

1063, 809
Bolt Report by Severity


947, 602, 313

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Local Climbing Organizations

Local Climbing Organizations are an integral part of gaining and maintaining access to climbing areas. Make sure you put your time and or money in.

View LCO's

ABOUT BADBOLTS is the central source for reporting and repairing climbing anchors and bolts.

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